What We Believe:
We believe that every dimension of our life provides an opportunity for us to express, appreciate and respond to the love and power of God.
We believe:
  • Everything that exists is a part of God’s creation;
  • The Holy Bible reveals the relationship God desires with creation, particularly human beings;
  • God entered human history through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus so we come to know God in a personal way;
  • In Jesus and through the lives of his followers we see how God enters our broken lives, fractured relationships, and unjust world hoping to bring peace and wholeness;
  • God loves, forgives and saves us by grace alone; God’s salvation is freely offered to us through the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross.  As we respond to God’s love, trusting and believing in God’s promises – we are saved;
  • God offers the gifts of new life, forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life through the sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion;
  • Jesus, God’s only Son, has shown and offers us a way of life that is a loving and hope-filled alternative to the self-centered and short-sighted ways of the world;
  • We enter into the fullness of life when we take up our cross and follow Jesus; when we cease to live for ourselves and accept the lifestyle Jesus taught;
  • God cares for people through the church; by the power of God’s Holy Spirit we go into the world to generously offer love, forgiveness and gracious hospitality.
When we hear the Good News of what God has offered us through Jesus we are inspired to:
  • follow Him; be disciples through worship, study and service,
  • offer compassion to those in need,
  • work to bring about justice for those who are oppressed,
  • welcome others to explore and share life with us, no matter where they are in the journey of life.
What We Believe Translated to Action:
Gracious Hospitality
Everyone is welcome and important at Our Savior’s! Jesus died and rose to new life so people can experience the fullness and abundance of God’s love.  We, who call ourselves his followers, are described in the Bible as being the body of Christ; we are His presence in this world.  How we interact and relate, how we treat everyone, is the way we share God’s love and salvation that takes people of differing races, sexes, ages, orientations, cultures and languages – molding us together in ways that give us deep meaning and true inspiration.
Meaningful Worship
Worship is at the center of our life.  Each week we take the time and make the effort to gather together with other followers of Jesus. We do this because it is important for us to express our love and gratitude; to receive from God his living Word and sacraments, which define and sustain us in our daily living. In our Lutheran form of worship everyone participates as a part of our joyful offering to God.
Relevant Learning
Life is characterized by change, growth, renewal and transformation.  At Our Savior’s, we enjoy opportunities to learn about God and the wonders of God’s kingdom.  As followers of Jesus, who express our Christian faith as Lutherans, we believe this is a life-long process.  We appreciate questions and struggling with the complex issues of our world. Using God’s Word as a foundation, we join together in exploring God’s purpose for our life.  We desire to learn so our faith may be strengthened and the meaning of our love deepened. 
Expansive Service
Jesus said, “I came not to be served, but to serve.” (Matthew 20:28).  Life is often difficult.  Acknowledging God’s grace that fills and surrounds us; taking the love we have been offered, we reach out to others in need. It does not matter if the people in need are in our local community of somewhere else in the vast world – we desire to help.  In such partnerships we experience the presence of God and enjoy sharing with the variety of people who populate this earth and enrich our lives.
Overflowing Generosity
God has given us so much that we live with continuous gratitude.  As an outgrowth of this constant flow of God’s abundant blessings to us, we commit ourselves to allowing God’s blessings to overflow in generous giving to others. The imagery of this is found in the Bible (My cup overflows”-Psalm 23).  In this giving we experience joy!  Another couple of ways to express this are: ‘We are blessed to be a blessing” and “You make a living by what you earn; you make a life by what you give away.” We are never satisfied by what we give and always seek to grow or overflow in new ways.