December 2012

Children’s Message: 12/16/2012

It's Christmas time. Usually we think that everybody is supposed to be happy, everybody supposed to be joyful and it's certainly an exciting time for us. As we go through life, we realize at certain times, that we aren't always happy and joyful during this time of year, yet we are still called as people of God to rejoice.

3rd Sunday of Advent: What is Your Identity

December 16th, 2012 Third Sunday In Advent 3rd Sunday of Advent: What is Your Identity

Adult Discussion: 12/16/2012

Adult Discussion: 12/16/2012 The Fourth Candle of Advent: The Angels candle Grace and Love of Christ coming into the world.

Children’s Message: 12/09/2012

December 9th, 2012 Have you ever been asked to share something with someone else?

Adult Discussion: 12/9/2012

Adult Discussion: 12/09/2012 The Third Candle of Advent: The Shepards candle Sharing the good news.

2nd Sunday of Advent: Prepare the Way

December 9th, 2012 Second Sunday In Advent 2nd Sunday of Advent: Prepare the Way

You Can’t Miss It

December 2nd, 2012 First Sunday In Advent You Can't Miss It In this 1st Sunday of advent, we hear Luke's account of Jesus speaking about the end to all we believe to be permanent - the earth, the sky and order will all be disrupted. This isn't meant to scare us, but to remind us of what is permanent, on what we can depend. When this time comes, stand up and raise your heads

Children’s Message: 12/02/2012

December 2nd, 2012 Are you guys excited about this season of the year? Kind of a fun time isnt it? There are ways we keep track of how we grow. But did you know that God also keeps track of how we grow as well?.

Adult Discussion: 12/2/2012

Adult Discussion: 12/02/2012 The Second Candle of Advent: The Bethlehem candle

November 2012

Children’s Message: 11/20/2012

November 20th, 2012 Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast, but prayerful keep in mind other children who do not always have enough to eat.
